Banana & Chocolate Breakfast Shake

Milkshake? For breakfast? Yes but its not what you may think! This Breakfast Shake is nutritious, filling and a perfect choice for a quick but delicious breakfast option. And with no artificial sugar, its guaranteed to provide you with the boost you need at the start of your day! I used simple ingredients; ripe bananasContinue reading “Banana & Chocolate Breakfast Shake”

Raspberry Banana & Mango Smoothie

Looking for a simple, sweet refreshing, nutrient-packed smoothie recipe? Look no further! This Raspberry Banana & Mango Smoothie is made with 4 ingredients and takes minutes to prepare! Growing up I have always been more of a vegetable person. Fruit has never been something that I would enjoy. I remember my mum making me eatContinue reading “Raspberry Banana & Mango Smoothie”